Podcasts can be an asset for reading and writing teachers. As a reading teacher, I have found having an audio book backup is a must due to absenteeism and differentiated learning. Podcasts can be an even better alternative, since if made by the teacher, it could incorporate guiding language such as definitions to vocabulary or pauses for comprehension check questions. For the writing instructor, it can aid in motivating the students to share their written works, since students can record the reading of their works for use in a classroom audio library. This would take the embarrassment out of presentation and add fun in.
I found a set of podcasts that I might use next year to teach reading. It is the recorded readings of the unabridged book by Lewis Carroll, "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland". There is one podcast per chapter listed on Storynory.
It would make an excellent choice for an advanced guided reading group, since it is a classic and a popular movie. I'm excited to get started on planning out the task.
Wow! I love the reading and writing ideas for podcasting. Teacher annotated comments during the reading could be a great support for some students.