“Every acquisition of accommodation becomes material for assimilation, but assimilation always resists new accommodations.”
Jean Piaget quote
This journey has been a paradigm shift for me and, I believe, for everyone that has shared in this adventure. The path that has been forged will grow worn and familiar in time if we muster the courage to use the new tools we have learned as common as we use paper and pencil. It will not be easy unless we make it easier. I am a bit afraid, but must take a lesson from our fearless children who bask in technology as though they are part cyborg. What was it like again.. to be so…intrepid?
Fortunately, some “things” have become habit over the course of it all. Delicious is hands down the best way to access my educational bookmarks and, often, I use it as a search engine too. Youtube before seemed like a waste of time, but now I’m using it to supplement my professional learning as well as my lesson planning. Mrs. Sapielak and I have a classroom blog that we use for parent correspondence and the students can use it to answer questions in their Book Clubs. Our classroom, although not as tech savy as some we have witnessed during this venture, is now headed in that direction and we are all excited about it.
Thank you, 23 Things, for all your support and inspiration.